Monday 20 June 2016

Crazy Father Removes Sons Tooth Using A Helicopter

A father of four in Virginia, whose son had a loose tooth, took 'helicopter' parenting to the next level, by using a real helicopter to remove the tooth. Mr Rick Rahim, a pilot with 13 years of helicopter flying experience tied his 7-year-old son, Carson's tooth with a string and tied the other end of the string to his full size commercial helicopter.
He flew the helicopter backwards and far enough to get the loose tooth out. When the experiment was done, he posted a video of the procedure on Facebook and advised parents to do fun and creative things with their children. He also assured at the end of the video that he took precautionary measures and the entire procedure was safe.
All I can say is that if this happened in Nigeria, we would all call the man a mad person and suggest he is placed in a psychiatric home and studied or taken to a church for deliverance. By the way, where is Carson's mother in all of this??

Watch the video below:

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