Thursday 26 May 2016

Quest For Happiness: Part Seven

Anne and Ebuka had been having a long-distance relationship for two months now. They were constantly communicating, mainly via Skype. Her family and close friends noticed that she had been extra jovial since her return and had questioned her about this, but she had refused to inform them about her relationship. 

Every time she spoke with Ebuka, he mentioned how much he missed her and would love if she would come visit him in Nigeria. Since then, she had been considering travelling to Nigeria to visit him and maybe visit Joy and her family. She had also gone ahead to invest with his company, as she felt their offer was good and was even considering starting up a branch for her business in Lagos. 
She mentioned this plan to her son and after his research, he agreed that it was a plan worth thinking through. All she needed was the right connections to put out the word on her establishment, cater one or two events successfully and they would start business fully.
Anne majorly saw this business extension as a great opportunity not just to expand her business, but also, she now had a valid reason to travel to Nigeria. Ebuka had been one of the people to support her plan and he assured her that he would assist her in every way possible. He even recommended a cousin of his, whom he said was a lawyer, to be one of her advisers on settlement issues. She found this thoughtful of him and decided to put a hold on making any decision until she met the lady personally. 

Part Six
Part Five
Part Four
Part Three
Part Two
Part One

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