Friday 20 May 2016

Quest For Happiness: Part Six

Getting back to London, Anne met with Alex, his wife, Jane and her granddaughter. It was the greatest feeling ever. It felt like she had been away for a year and finally got to meet her family, even though she had only been away for a month. Her granddaughter, Claire, was now bigger than she was before she went on her trip. 

Anne resumed supervision of the catering business which she setup. She had quit her job at a large firm to start her own business 5-years-ago and it had been thriving since. It was around this time Alex met Jane, as she was one of the caterers Anne hired when she just started.
Since her return, she had been in contact with Ebuka and they had spoken about various topics. Last night, he informed her of some investment deals currently available at his firm and she caught interest in them. Out of curiosity, she questioned him in-depth on the investment plan, and he assured her that signing-up for such a plan would be in her favour as she only had to pay in a particular amount of money monthly and at the end of the year, get her money plus interest.
She decided to think about the idea, even if she started small, so as to see how it all worked out. 
Ebuka also told her about how much he missed her and she could not help but reply the same. At this point, she could no longer pretend to herself that she felt nothing for him. She also felt that the feeling was mutual else, he would not pay as much attention as he did to her.
Her main concern now was if she was prepared to pursue a relationship with him and in so doing, possibly detach herself from her family. Being with Ebuka would mean informing her family about him and she was not sure how they would take it and view her, most especially Alex. He had always made his view known on middle-aged women who date younger men, as he felt they could find men their age to go out with and not move with younger men who according to him are "Only after the money".
Anne on her part felt there was nothing wrong in dating a younger man, after all, a lot of women her age, some of her friends even, were in serious relationships with younger men. So as not to get ahead of herself though, Anne decided to let things flow as they would and see how the it would all end up.

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