Sunday 25 December 2016

The Worst Day Of My Life: Christmas Day

"The worst day of my life is Christmas day and no one can convince me otherwise." These were the words I heard my friend say over and over again despite my attempts to convince her otherwise.

Becca had been my friend since the day we were introduced as room mates during our first year in the university. I liked her because she was friendly, smart and brought life to every occasion she graced. For such a lively person, it came as a shock to me when she said during a random conversation that her worst day was Christmas day. At first I didn't take her serious because I knew she was a Christian, in fact we went for service together and even fellowships when opportuned. So why would a Christian suddenly say she hated the reason behind her faith. 
I slowly began to realise how serious she was when a friend of ours teased her about her statement. Becca who was usually easy going and always had a funny line to chip in, burst out in anger about how much she hated Christmas and people who fooled themselves celebrating it and stormed out of the room.
It was later I found out why. On Christmas day, the 25th of December, 2011, Becca's family had planned a trip. She and her dad stayed behind at home so as to complete their packing while her mother and brother had driven to church. On their way back from service, they were involved in an accident where their car was hit by a truck which had a faulty brake. Becca lost her mother and brother that day and since then, she felt no joy in the celebration of Christmas, no peace.
When I learnt about the tragic event that led to her hatred of the season, I instantly felt pity for her. It seemed the tease about her hatred of the season opened up old wounds and she didn't return to the room till the next evening. It was just a week to Christmas and I began to imagine how she felt seeing all the Christmas decorations around campus, our hostel and even the ones I had installed in our room, hearing about people's travel plans and their talk on how they were to spend the holiday with their family. 
We both sat on our beds, different thoughts running through our minds. I searched for words to console her, to make her see the reason she should be happy and she probably just sat there thinking about the nothingness of the season to her. 
When I finally spoke, I had no idea what I was saying, but I knew that if I didn't speak then, I would possibly lose a good friend and sister and she would end up wallowing in her pain.
I spoke to her with these words, "B, I may not know how you feel, what is running through your mind and the pain this season brings to you, but I have a few things to say. I would not try to convince you that Christmas is the greatest and reasons why you should love the season; I wouldn't try to force my believes on you.
B, Christmas is a time when we celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. You might have heard this a million times but let me just say it again. Christ was born to suffer for our sins, he was born to redeem us, he was born to die for us so we can have eternal life. You might feel that God was blind to have seen your mother and brother be taken away by death and do nothing and on such a day! A day set aside to celebrate life, hope, redemption! I don't know why God let that happen and really, I can't explain it but I just want you to think outside the box. 
First of all, our God is not blind or stupid and nothing happens without his knowledge. We can say he let what happened occur for a good we are unable to fathom. That you lost two of the most important people in your life on a day fixed to celebrate Christ should not make you disregard the season.
Do you know what Christmas is all about? It's celebrating the fact that Christ came as the perfect lamb, to die for us and we are assured of eternal life through Him. Christmas should be a time of sharing,  just as God shared his son with us and showed us mercy. Christmas is not about you or me, it's about those around us who do not have the opportunity granted us. People who have no hope and are about to prepare their final meal so they can die because they feel no one cares. 
You can channel your pain into helping others, making them feel loved and know that someone does care. By being the Christian you are addressed as, through the love and life you give. You should acknowledge that your mother and brother are in safe hands, the hands of God and He is lookin to you to make this Christmas one of joy and peace for someone around you who doesn't even know the meaning of happiness. This way, you would see yourself begun to heal. You would see that it no longer hurts as much as it did. You would see the true meaning of Christ's coming."
When I finally looked up to her, Becca had her face held between her palms and was crying gently. I knew that a tiny piece of her solid wall was down. Her healing might be gradual but I was certain God would perfect what he had started and Becca, along with someone out there whose life she was going to touch, would finally have a merry Christmas.

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