Sunday 25 December 2016

The Worst Day Of My Life: Christmas Day

"The worst day of my life is Christmas day and no one can convince me otherwise." These were the words I heard my friend say over and over again despite my attempts to convince her otherwise.

Friday 5 August 2016

Strange: Cat Gives Birth To Puppies (WATCH VIDEO)

People have the thought that cats and dogs are great enemies and it has been so for as long as anyone can remember. In movies, plays, books and even reality, they are always portrayed as foes, but in a very rare case, a cat in Jordan delivered 2 puppies. 

Thursday 4 August 2016

Stranger Breaks Into House Late At Night And Prepares Meal (WATCH VIDEO)

160802zombie1.jpgIn Winchester, Oregon-USA, while a family of 8 were asleep, a stranger broke into their home and left it in complete disarray. The family was shocked when they woke up in the morning to find their entire house scattered with no idea of what happened during the night. 

Wednesday 3 August 2016

After School Satan Club Introduced To Schools In USA

diversity-610460In the United State of America, an extra-curricular club has been introduced to some public schools who have accepted it. The club name is The Satanic Temple (TST) and 9 schools have already signed up to introduce the program to pupils between the age of 5 and 12-years-old.

Monday 25 July 2016

Man Publishes Notice On Newspaper About Disowning His Son

A man from Dunukowfia LGA, Anambra State, Mr Andrew Chukwurah Nworah, has publicly disowned his son. We have all heard of cases of a parent disowning their child, but this happens to be a very dramatic approach to the task as Mr Andrew had the notice published on a newspaper.

Friday 22 July 2016

Malawi: HIV Positive Man Paid To Sleep With Women

In Nsanje district in southern Malawi, the people have a tradition called "s*xual cleansing". This tradition applies to both underaged and matured women.