Tuesday 28 June 2016

19-year-old Found Unconscious And With Rotting Feet After Playing Game Nonstop For Six Days

In China, a 19-year-old boy was found by the police, passed out in some bushes with badly infected feet. This was after he was said to have embarked on a 6-day gaming marathon at an internet cafe. Immediately he was found, he was rushed to the hospital as his feet were badly infected and giving off a strong foul smell. 

video-game-addiction2When he regained consciousness, he informed the police that he had used all his money playing video games for the length of 6-days and has not eaten or slept all that time. When he ran out of money, he started wandering around the city until he collapsed from fatigue. 
When he was identified, the police contacted his father who seemed to want nothing to do with his son as he had run away from home 10-days earlier. He finally asked for his son to be brought home after hearing of his physical state. 
The cause of his rotten feet has been attributed to poor hygiene and lack of sleep and the police confirmed that if he had not been found when he was, he would have lost his life. 
This is following report of a young man who committed suicide as a result of not having enough funds to fuel his addiction. Some countries have finally recognized video game addiction as a disorder and are seeking measures to control it.

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