Friday 15 July 2016

Quest For Happiness: Part Thirteen

Ebuka and Anne had been married for 3-months now and things were going well. She managed to balance work and spending her time with him. She had also tried to keep in contact with her son but because of the disapproving tune he usually used when addressing her, especially when she mentioned her husband, she had reduced the
number of times she contacted him. Most times, she would intentionally call his wife, Jane, just so she could communicate with her granddaughter. She knew Alex was aware of this but he had not raised any opposition to the arrangement. 
Recently, her suspicion of Rose had increased. She just had a feeling that she was hiding something, but she decided to keep her around and try to find out what exactly it was before laying her off. She felt even more uneasy when she visited Joy. It had been a long time since they communicated as the last real contact they made was during her wedding. While at her place, they were discussing random topics, catching up with one another when Joy suddenly asked, "That lady that works for you, Rose, how is she related to Ebuka?" "Well, she's his cousin" "Ohh, okay." Turning to face Joy fully, Anne said, "Why do you ask?" "I just wanted to know the relationship between them, that's all." After replying this way, Joy smoothly changed the topic and Anne let the sudden question pass, at least for now...

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